Monday, March 4, 2013

The Black Hole

Zak was staring at the photocopier waiting and waiting for his papers to copy, when suddenly a piece of paper came out of the photocopier he was so happy. Hey this doesn’t belong to me he shouted angrily at the broken machine. Zak threw his pencil at the strang paper but his pencil disappeared into the  black large circle shape which was on the piece of paper, he was freaked out he didn’t know what to do next!

Strangely Zak stared at the paper for 40 seconds. He looked at the time it was 2.09am he was so scared he was about to cry. Zak wondered if he could get his pencil back so he put his hand in the black hole and grabbed his  pencil. Hey that wasn’t bad at all so he decided to steal some chocolate from the vending machine, As he put the paper on the vending machine he grabbed to bars of Picnic. Zak didn’t know what to do next.

For two minutes Zak was thinking a lot and he came up with a idea. He sprinted with excitement  towards a lock door which was guarded to protect the safe that had a lot of money inside. His face was happier than a clown's face. As he got to the door he placed the black hole on the door and stuck his hand threw. Zak turned the doorknob  from inside the room and it slowly opened.

Zack walked like he was rich towards the safe and taped the paper on the safe small door. His hand went frew the safe grabbing millions of dollars. He kept getting more and more money. He reached in to see if there was more gold he was so greedy. He then climbed into the safe and his whole body was stuck because the paper dropped as he was getting in.

A few years latter some mens were going to get the money. They were thinking a lot because the money was not in the safe it was outside of the little bank. The mens opened the safe But in stead of the finding money they found Zak’s dead body in the safe.

1 comment:

  1. Cool story Sesalina,
    It is written really well and I really enjoyed it. Just one thing, make sure that you check the spelling of your writing before you post.

    Keep up the awesome work!
